Ech, wydaje się, że wylądowaliśmy na niewłaściwym lotnisku
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Boeing 747 Dreamlifter zamiast w bazie wojskowej McConnell wylądował na małym lotnisku miejskim. Zapis rozmowy z wieżą poniżej.
G: Good evening Mc Connell Tower, Giant 4241 heavy is on the bit.. arr… GPS… RNAV GPS approach 19 left
M: Giant 4241 heavy, Mc Connell Tower, wheels down runway 19 left, wind 140 at 4, cleared to land
G: Clear to land runway 19 left, wheels down, Giant 4241 heavy
M: Giant 4241 heavy […] down
G: Giant 4241, go ahead
M: Giant 4241, […] down and expect mid field turnoff at the double
G: Giant 1440… 4241 we’ll get back to here you momentarily, we’re not on the approach
M: Giant 4241 heavy, [the final?] is 9 miles south of you
G: […] we just landed at the other airport […], Giant 4241
M: Giant 4241 heavy, Mc Connell, talk
G: Ah yes sir, we got a… Uh, apparently we’ve landed at B E C
M: Giant 4241 heavy verify, you’re on the ground at BEC airport
G: We think so
M: Giant 4241 heavy, Mc Connell Tower, verify you are full stopped and landing stopped at BEC airport?
G: Affirmative
M: Giant 4241 heavy, Mc Connell Tower, are you able to make an approach, departure from that airport
direct to Mc Connell
G: Tower we’re working on those details
M: Roger
G: And Mc Connell Tower, Giant 4241 heavy
M: Giant 4241 heavy, Mc Connell Tower
G: Yes sir, do you have a quick… is there a tower frequency here? For Beech?
M: Giant 4241 heavy, Beech tower is actually closed at this time
G: Okay. Is there a Unicom frequency?
M: Giant 4241 heavy, stand by
G: And one more thing, do you have the coordinates for this, for the airport?
M: Giant 4241 heavy, stand by on that
M: Giant 4241 heavy, I have the coordinates, when ready to copy
G: Tower ready, go ahead
M: Beech is Kilo Bravo Echo Charlie, North 3 7 degrees 41 point 6 4, West 97 degrees 1 2 point 9 0
G: Okay, lemme read those back. North 3 7 4 1 6 4?
M: Affirmative
G: Okay, then East 9 2 1 2 9 uh zero?
M: West, 9 7 degrees 1 2 point 9 0
G: Sorry about that, can’t read my own handwriting, West 9 2 1 2 decimal 9 0
M: West 9 7 1 2 deck 9 0
G: Okay, 9 7 1 2 decimal 9 0
G: All right, here’s the coordinates we’re showing currently for us: North 3 7 4 4 decimal 4, West 0 9 7 1 3
decimal 3
M: Giant 4241 heavy, roger
M: Giant 4241 heavy, did you do a circle around the airport and then land, or did you make it straight in?
G: Straight in, sir
M: Giant 4241 heavy, roger
M: Giant 4241 heavy, can you say your (???)
M: Giant 4241 heavy, from the target we saw on the radar scope, you were overshot, the target was
overshot at (???) airport, approximately 8 miles nort of Mc Connell airport, Unicom frequency is 1 2 3 point
7, say again 1 2 3 point 7
G: All right, this gentleman is giving us a frequency, we’re going to try it out, 1 2 3 point 7 as well
G: Mc Connell tower, Giant 4241
M: Giant 4241 heavy, in contact
G: Yes sir, we’re in contact with the company right now, we’ll analyze our performance status
M: Giant 4241 heavy, roger
M: Giant 4241 heavy, affirm you know at which airport you are
G: Well we think we have a pretty good code, let me ask you this, how many airports directly to the
south of 19, uh 019 are there?
M: Giant 4241 heavy, you’re currently north of Mc Connell, and three along the glidepath
G: (Background: Sorry man go ahead, something else.) We are showing about six miles north of you
M: Copy, six miles north
M: Giant 4241 heavy, affirmative, right now we just try to figure that
G: Okay sir
G: Tower, we just had a twin engine aircraft, turboprop aircraft go over the top of us
M: Giant 4241 heavy, roger, it appears you are (???)
G: Say again
M: Giant 4241 heavy, we saw the plane on the radar and it appears you are at Jabara airport
G: Say the name again
M: Jabara
G: Jabarrow?
M: Giant 4241 heavy, that’s J A A R R A
G: Okay, all right, copy that
G: Okay we also show we are just short, about a mile short of Warren(?) now
M: Giant 4241 heavy, roger, yes, that’s Jabara
G: And Mc Connell Tower, Giant 4241
M: Giant 4241 heavy, contact
G: Yes sir, looks like we do confirm it is Jabara
M: Giant 4241 heavy, rogerTekst za forum tigerdroppings.
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